And now luna

Is the real god of heaven and man?
If you didn’t reach the realm of heaven and man, you can have such great power. So now you reach the realm of heaven and man, Luna?
Luna opened its eyes to form a bright moon, stars and death. There is no more desert heaven and earth. The so-called day is left with this mysterious jathyapple. If it is not because of Luna, everything is so beautiful.
And the pendant with the tears of the moon hanging on her neck slowly disintegrated into a star, and finally it will be recorded on her forehead to form a bright blue gem, which will be reflected in the brilliance of her forehead, and the moon will be printed.
"Luna seal! !” Forget the dust has detected the luna power is waking up.
"I don’t know if I can stop her." To be honest, Forget Dust doesn’t want to be a hero. He didn’t sell it immediately. The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. After all, this is a dirty world.
Forgetting dust is also a person. If you are a person, you will have a selfish side.
But obviously,
Luna didn’t want to let her go
I was also afraid of Luna’s moves. When they saw her, the mysterious light flashed, and an aperture appeared on it, and it disappeared in front of them in a second. When I looked around in panic, I was horrified to find Luna actually appeared.
"Head be careful! !” Shadow night and candlestick suddenly burst into drinking.
Cold sweat dripping from his forehead made him forget the dust and say nothing. He saw the moon god disappear but failed to catch her. When the moon god appeared in front of him, she realized that it was too late.
Luna’s seemingly tiny arm contains unimaginable power, and it flickers on her forehead as if a nuclear bomb had forgotten the dust and almost instantly flew out.
And Luna still appeared in the direction of forgetting dust flying away with a flash of aperture. She murmured words that she couldn’t understand, but it was enough to see them in white. A vast moonlight fell from the sky like a rocket impact, and it hit forgetting dust without even a chance to dodge. It seemed that lightning struck me instantly, which made people unprepared and had to pity me.
Forgetting the dust, the whole person fell into the desert from half a fall, which set off like waves and ripples, and the huge potholes were the direction in which he fell.
Everything happened in a flash.
Luna, on the other hand, showed desperate power, and the first thing she did was to kill Forget Dust, not because of the main revenge, so that people could stop her here.
"Man, you are very strong. That blow just now was not enough for you to die. Come on, show all your strength. I will tear you apart in the eyes of the public. Our battle picture will be seen by the whole people in the desert of death." Luna printed the whole desert of death. Whether players or np can clearly see the desert situation, it is the battle picture of Luna and human beings.
Everyone in the five sections of the desert of death saw this confusing picture, and the old king who was sleeping in the desert city suddenly came out
The secret of the meeting between the contemporary duke of desert city and the old duke broke out! !
"It’s luna! !”
"Luna is back! !”
"She came back with a thousand years of revenge."
The moon god was terrible, and the older generation still remembered the deeds of the moon god. When God reappeared like this in the month, it brought people only despair and horror.
"Luna? Is it true that Luna said? " The mainstream of the city reveals a face of horror.
Boom !
Just as people in the desert city were in a panic, suddenly a silver figure rushed out of a huge pit in the desert. His blond hair fluttered and flashed, and his golden eye pupil exploded. The human forgot to dust in the middle.
Of course, he can only support it for a few seconds, but it is terrible to just do this and forget the dust.
Just that blow destroyed his clothes and revealed his strong body, and the silver awn made him angry.
"Man, do you want to be a hero?" Luna looked contemptuously at the naked man and tried to destroy him. All human warriors just wanted to be heroes in the human world.
Forget the dust jump and keep yourself from falling. Although the ups and downs look a bit funny, this does not affect this exciting duel.
"Hero that kind of thing I’m not interested! !”
Intelligent industrial empire
The butcher’s knife was locked in the hand, and Luna chopped away in the wind for half a month, but Luna only raised her hand to form a shield, which understated the powerful blow of forgetting dust.
"Sure enough, it’s a lot stronger" or the former attack was easily resolved, but that was just a try.
Coming is the real attack! !
"Butcher skills!"
"Kill! !”
Jump, explode, rush and go to luna. Since the opponent is not going to let himself go, he can kill his opponent by forgetting the dust! !
The idea of killing God is probably the craziest thing in the whole creation, but there is no doubt that the firm eyes of forgetting the dust reveal that the moon god will not die and he and his companions will die.
Luna dodged sideways and looked at the dust, still with a sneer. "Want to kill me?"
"Human whether you are too naive! !” When Luna’s anger flashes, the gap shows that now Luna has an absolute advantage. Yes, Luna is a god who has the right to step on and act, but can’t forget the dust! !
It is not stupid to forget the dust. Although he is not so free to move, he still has it.
"Life potential!"
"round! !”
Circle upgrade circle has wider power and vision, and can feel more scope. This is why the moon god will attack himself from behind and feel that he can predict what will happen in one second.
Snap, forget the dust and fly to the surface. The luna attacks and forgets the dust, and the thrilling evasion instantly makes all the spectators feel a cold sweat.
"Ha ha ha you do have special abilities, but"
"You are mortal after all."