It’s like the feeling of the game in the period just after entering the professional competition.

But what is better than then is that Lin Feng is not without feeling of competition.
But the feeling is that it seems that there was no barrier when Lao Pei Enen made love, but one day suddenly Lao Pei pulled out a box and pointed to it and said
"After a long and harmonious life, dear, we need this."
It always feels like something is missing. In fact, Lao Pei didn’t talk so much about Lin Feng and didn’t talk so nonsense.
But DOA games, especially professional games, are like this.
It is very important to lay the foundation of a tall building on the ground.
For Lin Feng, who just entered the competitive professional competition, she practiced her hand speed at that time to ensure that her skills were released, and there was no mistake in team fighting and cooperation with her teammates because of her hand speed.
This is a foundation.
A person who cooperates with his teammates can’t keep up with others because of his slow hands, so he doesn’t talk about integrating into the game and cooperating with his teammates, entering the team tactical body and cooperating with the players.
But now Lin Feng is no longer in this problem. Now the problem is that Lin Feng’s hands are fast and the basic exercise requirements have been met. There will be no such thing as a blue cat flying over and counting to pull people according to skills, but a stupidly flying over and still pressing skills will be stunned and killed ~
This kind of embarrassment has been rare. Lin Feng has done a very good job in VS substitution and battering in the game.
Ordinary two skills to connect Lin Fengji can be done almost without mistakes.
Unless there are occasional mistakes in fierce exercises and strong pressure, this level has been qualified in professional leagues.
However, the hand speed of Lin Feng is not like this. According to the pig’s head, if Lin Feng actually exercises effectively, it will cause damage to the opposite side or receive the exercise that should achieve the effect.
If you can speak 70%, then it is already his level.
Yes, it’s the level of pig’s head food!
What’s the standard of pig’s head dish ~?
First-class professional athletes "I don’t care if I talk to you about this basic ability, even if I meet a clown."
When the pig’s head dish said this, it was so arrogant that Lin Feng felt that if the pig’s head dish was upside down against the wall, it would be like a heifer standing upside down ~
But in fact, Lao K and DCG also agree with this problem.
The standard of pig’s head cooking is one of the few in G League.
And if Lin Feng’s current hand speed is a normal competitive professional player’s hand speed efficiency, that is to say, if the effective operating rate can reach 70%, then Lin Feng can at least be a qualified middle SOLO player or a very good late position main force C, and even be a team battle initiator and wandering core.
In short, if you reach this level, Lin Feng must be a first-class player, the best among the professional team members.
Or a star player in the competitive circle.
If there are some excellent tactics and a good overall situation, then leave the highest professional title in the competition-the Great God!
It won’t be too far away
But what Lin Feng has to do now is not to think about these things. It is very important for him to adapt himself after his hand is slow.
If your hand is slow, your nervous mentality will naturally slow down.
The former Lin Feng’s practice is to let himself think more about the war situation, but passers-by wars are all the same, almost three roads are on the line, and there is rarely a kind of game in which the sixth level will hold a group every minute and then pull the posture to die, and it is necessary to win or lose.
Lin Feng found that her experience and tactical recuperation could not meet the requirements of this command team.
So what should Lin Feng do?
Lin Feng spent a whole day climbing the ladder with such doubts, and then when she was tired, she went out shopping with Lao Pei for a while and bought some things that she wanted in summer.
For example, mosquito-repellent incense, some toilet water and heatstroke prevention and moisture-proof things are not short when they come to EH headquarters, but clothes are randomly placed on sofas and tables and cabinets.
It turns out that Lao Pei’s luggage, Lin Feng’s big bags and small bags seem to be enough.
But I haven’t bought a house outside in the short term, and I plan to take care of Lao Pei and Lin Feng at EH’s own home, which is obviously not enough.